Bookseller Catalogs

Catalogue 63: Holiday Catalogue 2015

By John Windle Antiquarian Bookseller

Catalogue 63: Holiday Catalogue 2015 Seasons greetings from the JWAB Team! We are pleased to add our contribution to caroling crowd of holiday lists already thronging your inboxes. Ours brings you books on all subjects and at all price points, each almost (sorta, kind of) related to one of our chosen festive themes, among them music, being cold and indigestion.

E-List 31

By Andrew Cahan: Bookseller, Ltd.

E-List 31 I am please to offer for sale a selection from our recent acquisitions; these include works signed by M. Alvarez Bravo, Ilse Bing, Wynn Bullock, Robert Frank, Lee Friedlander, O.Winston Link, et al. Also, there are two rare and important pieces from the Photo-Secession.

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